Thursday, December 19, 2013

Twelve Days of Christmas: Gift Books: For Adults Who Like...

On the seventh day of Christmas...we've moved on to books for grown-ups (which might also work for teens/tweens of various ages, depending on their likes and reading level).

Today, I'm highlighting books for grown-ups who like some of my favorite "things": 
Adventure/Survival stories

I've been taking up a lot of space in each post with summaries and cover images. But let's be honest, you're in a time crunch. You can look up any of these covers on Amazon or your favorite online book retailer. You just need the basic information to start building your shopping cart.

For adults who are science geeks (like me), I recommend:
Gulp—Roach (or any of her titles)
Frankenstein’s Cat—Anthes
David and Goliath—Gladwell

For fans of Bear Grylls (Adventure/Survival junkies):
Frozen in Time--Zuckoff
Lost in Shangri-La—Zuckoff

For Sports fans:
Boys in the Boat—Brown
Running for My Life—Lomong
On These Courts—Drash

And remember, if you want a link to the entire list, see this post.

Happy Reading! And Gifting!

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