Monday, July 19, 2010

Review: Girl with the Mermaid Hair (Ephron)

Title: Girl with the Mermaid Hair
Author: Ephron
Genre: Fiction, Realistic, High School
Pages: 312
Rating: 2 1/2 out of 5 stars

Sukie Jamieson is obsessed with her appearance. She checks her reflection in windows, spoons, car chrome—anything available. She is constantly taking her own picture with her cell phone so she can see what she looks like.  When her mother gives her a full-length mirror that once belonged to her grandmother, Sukie is thrilled. But she doesn’t listen to her mother’s warning: "This mirror will be your best friend and worst enemy.”  Sukie sees much more than she bargained for in the mirror.  But what will she do with the knowledge?

To be honest, I heard people talk about this book and how good it was.  It wasn't on the top of my list, but I brought it home this summer hoping to finally read it.  While it was a decent book, I did not LOVE it.  Sukie's obsession with her appearance dominates much of the book.  The last 1/3 of the book salvaged the story for me...I actually enjoyed the story at this point and wanted to know what was going to happen to Sukie and her family.  I'm not sure that teens are going to put up with Sukie and her shallowness for that long though.  But I could be wrong, this book did check out several times in the spring.  I'd be interested to hear from anyone that has read it.  Perhaps I have been too critical?  Let me know!

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